GWI Australia

Fostering a culture of valuing data

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Fostering a culture of valuing data

GWI was engaged by an environment agency to optimise its data practices through the development of a comprehensive Data Strategy and Roadmap.

The context

With a commitment to protecting and conserving a broad range of environmental aspects, the department generates and manages large volumes of data. They identified a number of challenges that were limiting their ability to fully leverage the power of this data

Challenges and their implications included:


      • Data silos across various divisions and legacy systems, hindering collaboration and knowledge sharing

      • Inconsistent data quality and collection standards, impacting the reliability of analysis and reporting

      • Limited analytical capabilities and reliance on manual data processing, restricting the ability to uncover valuable patterns and trends.

    To address these challenges and discover opportunities for further optimisation, GWI was engaged to develop a Data Strategy and Roadmap.

    The method

    GWI has deep knowledge and experience in defining robust programs of work to maximise the value of data and information and deliver operational efficiencies. We conducted a thorough analysis of current data practices, pain points, and opportunities across organisational divisions and consulted with key stakeholders from across the business to understand their needs and challenges.

    Our consultants also benchmarked our solution against best practices in data management of environmental, and scientific data, to reflect the unique needs of the department.

    The outcome

    As a result of working with GWI, the department has a robust and tailored five-year Data Strategy and Roadmap that outlines a clear path to optimise data management and positions data as a key asset for evidence-based decision-making, innovation, and collaboration.

    This strategy prioritises data as a core asset by focusing on five key areas and outlines specific actions for optimising its collection, management, use and sharing for improved environment, community and customer outcomes.

    When implemented, the strategy will result in enabling operational excellence and data-driven decision making as well as improving the department’s capacity to safeguard biodiversity, manage natural resources and lead scientific research.

    Want to know how we can help your organisation optimise data management? Get in touch with the GWI team today

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