GWI Australia

STrategy and insights

Our services

Our Strategy and Insights Services are supported by an experienced team of dedicated product, customer, sales and procurement specialists who work closely with public sector agencies and communities. We have the skills and expertise to cut through noise and identify real opportunities for improved efficiencies and growth.

Explore our work

Delivering actionable strategies to help customers deliver strategic outcomes and respond with confidence to business challenges and opportunities.

Providing a clear understanding of current organisational knowledge, capability and readiness to adopt and leverage AI.

Working with our customers to assess and optimise their functions, operations and capablities to realise new efficiencies and growth.

Unbiased and evidence-based analysis to inform public policy development.

Strategic procurement support and bid management for the digital economy.

Building smarter, data-driven cities to improve liveability, create lasting community benefit and growth.

Helping our customers ‘create the future’ by adopting new digital and business solutions to build a thriving digital economy in Australia.

Providing a holistic and integrated approach to benefits analysis with a strong focus on the roles and impacts of people, information and technology.

Identifying digital opportunities that enable sustainable growth, and customer and community outcomes.

Data and information services

Meet your team

When you work with GWI, you're getting a team that's invested in your success.

Don't let your organisation fall behind on digital literacy