GWI Australia

Developing an ICT Policy Framework to minimise risk and improve healthcare delivery.

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A not-for-profit healthcare provider acknowledged that their current portfolio of ICT policies and guidelines was exposing the organisation to potential risks. So, they sought help from ICT experts GWI.  

We were engaged to deliver an ICT Policy Framework that would manage risk and improve the accessibility of ICT information. Transforming objectives into programs of work is one of our core capabilities. We have supported clients of all sizes and from all sectors in prioritising and implementing large and complex programs of work to modernise their ICT Governance.  

Understanding the gaps and limitations of their current ICT policy  

We conducted a comprehensive review of their ICT policies including all processes, guidelines, standards and compliance obligations. GWI found that the ICT Security Manual was too large to easily read and understand, inhibiting team members from improving their knowledge and skills. Interviews with key stakeholders also revealed that the organisation was facing significant gaps in the accessibility, currency, accountability, and coverage of the information. 

GWI managed the organisation’s various key stakeholders to determine key areas of risk and the requirements for the ICT Policy Framework including an innovative engagement exercise involving online card sorting to guide policy identification and groupings. We also consulted existing materials and best practice methodology to determine the existing policy hierarchy. This ensured that the solution we designed provided the appropriate coverage across all facets of ICT for the organisation.  

Establishing a fresh view of the policy environment  

The ICT Policy Framework that GWI delivered clearly illustrates accountability and integration points as well as related business policies. The framework addresses the needs of the stakeholder groups, namely ICT Governance, ICT Services and staff, and minimises risks through stronger compliance. It delivers information to specific and relevant audiences, ensuring individual staff understand their obligations and can uplift their knowledge of ICT practices. With improved access to relevant ICT information, team members can focus on delivering high-quality healthcare services.

GWI has continued to support the client since the conclusion of this engagement by providing further specialist advice to uplift their ICT practices into the future.  

If your ICT Policy is exposing you to potential risks, get in touch with GWI.  

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