GWI Australia

Data and Analytics Strategy for a Government Department

Data and Analytics Strategy for an Environmental Regulator

GWI was engaged by an environmental regulator to develop a Data and Analytics Strategy. The goal being to enable the organisation to leverage the wealth of data they collect to ensure the continued delivery of their mission as a world-class environmental regulator.

The Context

The organisation aims to reduce the risks to human health, reduce pollution and waste, and prevent degradation of the environment. At the centre of their mission, is preventing and reducing harm, and to quickly and effectively respond if harm occurs.

The organisation engaged GWI to develop a Data and Analytics Strategy to ensure a strategic and proactive approach to the management and use of the data they collect.

The context in which the organisation operates and regulates is one which demands responsiveness. Early identification of changing conditions and emerging issues must be based on evidence. The development of sound evidence relies on the ability to proactively leverage data and analytics to develop effective, intelligence-led regulatory responses as quickly as possible.

The method

GWI’s consultants conducted a range of stakeholder engagement activities, including interviews, workshops and a survey. We defined the strategic context and assess the level of data and analytics maturity across the organisation.

Based on the internal and external drivers identified, GWI designed a 3-year Data and Analytics Strategy that builds on the organisation’s existing data and analytics successes, and commits them to further invest in their maturity and capabilities.

With a balance between defensive and offensive data strategy approaches, the strategy GWI developed prioritises data and analytics initiatives and ongoing investment.

Defensive vs offensive data strategy approaches:

  • Defensive approaches: Aim to minimise risk and increase compliance through the building of robust data foundations which will be used consistently to enable effective decision making.
  • Offensive approaches: Aim to leverage data foundations to open new opportunities, innovate, and improve regulatory practice and operations to prevent and reduce harm.

The impact

Through the implementation of the Data and Analytics Strategy, the organisation will learn to harness the value of data in all that they do. They will be empowered to treat data as a significant asset in its own right so that investment, governance and risk are managed effectively.

GWI is proud to have supported the organisation through the journey to becoming data-driven, making evidence-based decisions and, ultimately, solidifying their position as an intelligence-led, world-class regulator.

To learn more about GWI’s data analytics advisory work, get in touch with the team now

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GWI is changing

We will soon be known by a different name. What’s not changing, however, is our unwavering commitment to delivering quality solutions for our customers. Our new name reflects our commitment to putting evidence into action.

In the meantime, follow us on LinkedIn @GWI Australia to stay up to date with these exciting changes and stay tuned for the announcement!