GWI Australia

Transformation for NSW Council: Program Delivery Framework

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Program Delivery Governance Framework for NSW Council

GWI supported a NSW Council to develop a program delivery governance framework to manage the delivery of their upcoming Digital Transformation program of work.

The context

Council had recently developed an ICT strategy and roadmap, resulting in a multi-stream Digital Transformation program of work. To support this, and other programs across the organisation, Council sought to establish an Enterprise Program Management Office (ePMO).

GWI was engaged to help Council establish the ePMO through the development of a robust Program Delivery Governance Framework.

The method

GWI’s consultants engaged with key stakeholders and vendors to establish the requirements. This involved identifying and piloting potential digital Program Management tools, as well as developing supporting templates and artefacts for program management. The framework was established in alignment with industry best practices frameworks and methodologies, including Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) and the NSW Gateway Review process.

The framework was designed to apply across the full program and included descriptions of each stage, relevant roles and responsibilities, key activities and collateral, as well as high-level process maps.

GWI developed 23 supporting templates and artefacts to provide Council with best practice, consistent materials across its programs. They relate directly to the different stages of program management and included:

      • Briefs, blueprints, vision statements, change management strategies, sponsorship models, closure reports, etc.

      • Approaches to managing quality, resources, risk, stakeholder engagement, information, issues, etc.

      • Plans for benefit realisation, contract management, communications, procurement, resistance management, transitions, etc.

    GWI also undertook a pilot of two Program Management products for potential implementation at Council. Such products would enable Council to digitise and integrate key disciplines and activities across a program execution.

    The impact

    As a result of engaging with GWI, Council has a well-defined framework for how they would effectively govern the delivery of programs across their full lifecycle.

    Our solution included two examples of products that could be implemented across Council, likely within an ePMO, to manage their programs in a modern, digital, and integrated tool.

    Council is empowered with a robust delivery governance framework that will support the delivery of their digital transformation program, and enable the improved delivery of their services to the community.

    Read more about the work we’ve done in local government. 


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